Monday, February 12, 2007

Working Out

Something which most of the IITians don't generally prefer to do is "Working Out". Lots of us play, jog, swim and go to gym but still that's a very small percentage of population in here. I too belonged to the majority; surely, it's a different case that many a times I tried to join the fitness cautious minority but failed big time :D

Before I go into more details of the topic, I would like you to know that this is my eighth semester in IIT which is considered as the most peaceful semester in IIT-life; on an average one class a day and the B.Tech. Project. B.Tech. project is actually a bit tough but IITians do know making complex things simple :P. Hence, all B.Tech. Seniors get a lot of free time. Finally, as this is the last semester, everyone wants to get taste of a fully active IIT-life, i.e. involvement in all possible activities other than studies.

Well, continuing with the topic, now I have become a bit consistent with my work out. Thanks to all the above reasons and also to my dear friend Anshu. These days, I am waking up at 5:30 AM in the morning, believe me its true!! Actually, Anshu wakes me up everyday and then we go for a "Health-Run", an NCC lingo for morning jog, in the IIT-Stadium and from their to gym but if he doesn't wake me up, I bunk work-out of the day. With every passing day, the count is increasing, more and more people are adopting this healthy schedule. Being a victim of over optimism, I can see the day when all of us have become hansome hunks and a number of babes are fighting for us :D

Waiting for that fortunate day, signing out ... Bbye!


Sumesh said...
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Muralidhar said...

waking up at 5-30 am in 8th sem is something yaar! mujhe bhi utha ke le chal jogging.. :)

Harish Suryanarayana said...

A Tech Dev Blog ! Enthu !! Make it a common blog and add junta . It could become interesting .